Megan Cope, Nimbulima Ngolongmai, 2013
Video projection (still)
Toponymic Interventions
Megan Cope’s series of interventions were shot with time-lapse photography on the Gold Coast with the assistance of cinematographer, Adric Watson. Megan says that through the works she ‘seeks to challenge ordinary Australians’ ideas of ownership, particularly in the urban environment. By projecting Aboriginal place names and also language groups onto built and natural surfaces in sites significant to Aboriginal people, these works seek to decolonise the familiar and present a duality of space, cultural connections and our sense of time’.
Megan Cope, Boykambil, 2013; Video projection (still)
Megan Cope, Nimbulima Ngolongmai, 2013; Video projection (still)
Megan Cope, Yugambeh, 2013; Video projection (still)
Megan Cope, Tuleen, 2013; Video projection (still)