, 2020
Slate, Mineral Paint
; 5 x 200mm diameter
Courtesy of the Artist and Milani Gallery
Photo by Carl Warner
The fluorescent words glowing upon black slate within a darkened room, causes an illusioned after-image of the retina, one could imagine them being almost dangerously radioactive in nature. The materiality correlates with the common saying and takes a cue from the reality that “words are weapons” and language is powerful.
English words have intent to negatively damage and cause pain. In the broader sense, this work comments on the most important topics of our time, Identity Politics, Climate Change and how the The Media manipulates, fatigues and creates derogatory language used in association with Aboriginal people, the environment and most recently the pandemic. Particularly in the Murdocracy that dominates news reporting platforms. Sadly, this language is reiterated by peers within social media spaces and has become common form of online violence and populism thus reducing meaningful relationships and focus on the topics and tasks at hand for our futures.
- OCCURRENT AFFAIR curated by proppaNOW and UQAM, presented by Museums & Galleries of NSW, 2023 (touring)
-proppaNow OCCURRENT AFFAIR, University of Queensland Art Museum (UQAM) Curated by Amanda Hayman and Troy Casey; 13 February - 19 June, 2021